Legalities and other Misc News – Jan 15

Senate Bill 75 (Sunday growler sales) got out of committee with a 9 to 2 vote.

AP: "Even if the bill clears the Senate, its chances of passing the House aren't good.

Some lawmakers worry the bill could be amended to include Sunday carryout sales from other venues or to expand takeout cold beer sales to places other than liquor stores and certain bars. Sen. Phil Boots, R-Crawfordsville, has filed a bill that would allow those changes.

Alting said he will not give Boots' bill a hearing, and he vowed to kill the microbrewery bill if it is amended with such changes.

But Democratic Rep. Trent Van Haaften, chairman of the House Public Policy Committee, has still expressed concerns that Alting's bill could become a catalyst for more sweeping changes in alcohol sales. Alting's bill likely would be assigned to Van Haaften's committee if it passed the Senate."

Meanwhile in a House committee for consideration: Drop dry election days. Extend bar closing on Monday mornings to 3am.

The IABR (liquor stores) are trying to stop or stall a bunch of beer permits the ATC is ready to issue. 97 for Walgreens stores, for instance. article

Resurrecting Sunday Sales Aim Of New ID Push says Channel 6.

Hopcast interviews Three Floyds Brewing. Lincoln Anderson says they hope to grow 25%. Moving into Kentucky. Gumballhead is tied with Alpha King for sales leader. 16 minute video.

Bob Mack tells us about World Class Beverages' New Beer Releases in Indiana.

Hoosier Beer Geek: Bacon!

John Hickenlooper is running for Governor of Colorado. He's the mayor of Denver and founder of the Wynkoop Brewery.

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