Jan 30 | Indianapolis | Brewers of Indiana Guild Winterfest at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. 101 breweries. 3-6:45pm. $40. |
Jan 30 | Dayton OH | Brew Ha-Ha. $35-$50. 6-10pm. |
18th Street Brewery 450 North Brewing Co. Back Road Brewery Bare Hands Brewery Basket Case Brewing Company Bier Brewery Big Lug Canteen Black Acre Brewing Company Black Swan Brewpub Blind Owl Brewery Bloomington Brewing Company Books & Brews Brew Link Brewing Broad Ripple Brewpub Brugge Brasserie Bulldog Brewing Co Burn 'Em Brewing Carson's Brewery Cedar Creek Brew Co Chapman's Brewing Chilly Water Brewing Co. Crown Brewing Danny Boy Beer Works Daredevil Brewing Co Deer Creek Brewery Deviate Brewing Evil Czech Brewery Figure Eight Brewing Flat12 Bierwerks Flix Brewhouse Fountain Square Brewing Co. Four Fathers Brewing Function Brewing Goshen Brewing Co. Grand Junction Brewing Co. Half Moon Restaurant & Brewery
Heady Hollow Brewing
Hoosier Brewing Co.Iechyd Da Brewing Company Indiana City Brewing Co. Ironwood brewing co Lafayette Brewing Co | Mad Anthony Brewing Company Man Cave Brewing Co. MashCraft Brewing Metazoa Brewing Company New Boswell Brewery & Tap Room New Corner Brewing Company Noble Order Norris English Pub and Brewery Oaken Barrel Brewing Company Outliers People's Brewing Company Planetary Brewing Co. Power House Brewing Co. Quaff ON! Brewing Co Ram Restaurant & Brewery Redemption Alewerks Rock Bottom Route 2 Brews LLC Saint Joseph Brewery Salt Creek Brewery Scarlet Lane Brewing Company Schnitz Brewery & Pub Shoreline Brewery St John Malt Brothers Brewing Sun King Brewing Co. Taxman Brewing Co. Tell City Brewing Company The Devil's Trumpet Brewing Co. The Guardian Brewing Company The New Albanian Brewing Co. The Tap Brewery Thr3e Wise Men Brewing Co. Three Floyds Brewing Co. Tin Man Brewing Co. Tow Yard Brewing Company Triton Brewing Co. Turoni's Main Street Brewery TwoDEEP Brewing Co. Union Brewing Company Upland Brewing Co. Wabash Brewing Wildrose Brewing Company Wooden Bear Brewing Company ZwanzigZ Brewing |
She's blogger faster than we can post. OK Rita, you win.
Sale of alcoholic beverages. Provides that a holder of an alcoholic beverage permit who is authorized by law to sell alcoholic beverages for carryout may sell alcoholic beverages for carryout on Sunday from 7 a.m., prevailing local time, until 3 a.m., prevailing local time, the following day. Requires a sales clerk who: (1) rings up; or (2) assists customers in accessing; alcoholic beverages in a grocery store or drug store to hold an employee's permit and have alcohol server training. Provides that the provision that allows individuals who are at least 19 but less than 21 years of age to ring a sale of alcoholic beverages in the course of the individual's employment does not apply to dealer establishments. Establishes alcoholic beverage display requirements for liquor dealers of grocery stores and drug stores. Requires video surveillance in stores, other than package liquor stores, where customers have access to alcoholic beverages without assistance. Makes it unlawful for: (1) the holder of a liquor dealer's permit, other than a package liquor store, to sell or distribute mini bottles through a self-service display; and (2) a person who is the proprietor of a package liquor store, drug store, or grocery store to allow a purchaser, or any other person who is not a sales clerk, to ring up or otherwise record an alcoholic beverage sale.
Jan 14 | Indianapolis | Bicentennial Pours & Pints at Deviate Brewing. 4-8pm. Free. |
Jan 16 | Indianapolis | Flat 12 fifth anniversary Beer Festival. 11am-8pm. Free. |
Jan 16-23 | Kalamazoo | Beer Week. There will be a bus trip from Goshen Brewing. |
Jan 17
Fort Wayne
Winter Warmer.
J K O'Donnell's. 1-6pm. $25 advance.
Jan 23 | Hobart | Big Barn Beer Fest. $50 County Line Orchard. 2-6pm. |
Jan 23 | South Bend | South Bend Brew Fest. $45. |
Jan 30 | Indianapolis | Brewers of Indiana Guild Winterfest at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. 101 breweries. |
Jan 30 | Dayton OH | Brew Ha-Ha. $35-$50. 6-10pm. |