OK, you've just got back from the hot, hot, hot streets of the Brew-Ha-Ha. You're tired. You're just out of the shower and needed to check your email.
Are you really beered out? Do you need more immersion? Tomorrow, Sunday, June 27th. Anita needs your help. The State Fair Brewers Cup entries are all sitting at Sun King and she and a crew will be starting at 10:30am with the job of checking them in, sorting, assigning numbers, etc. If you are not going to judge at the actual event, you can help. Lunch is provided. Beer is provided (when you're done). Think about it. The temp will be back under 90° and it's inside anyway. Just show up, no reservations needed.
Oh, and they need help at the actual judging. The evening of Friday, July 9th, and all of Saturday, July 10th, they need stewards, bottle carriers, etc. etc. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the Awards Ceremony will be your reward. It's interesting. It's fun. And you will get to taste award-winning beers that you won't get anywhere else. You'll thank yourself. Email John Morrical at jmorrica@sbcglobal.net to get a spot.
Stopped at Power House / Columbus Bar Thursday and finally had Jon's Jack the Bum Pale Ale. He bummed the hop bill from the Diesel Oil Stout to show what a difference the malt makes. Both have the same IBU but balanced malt is the key to DOS while JTB shows off the hops as a quite hoppy ESB. Cloudy tan. Filled to the brim, English style, with a few clusters of bubbles rather than a big head. I was thinking Centennial but couldn't place the hop nose – for a reason. Jon uses Saaz finishing hops, giving it some earthy Czechness. Oh, and Terry loved her Strawberry Salad with mushrooms, spinach, etc.
New Albanian's Public House was fairly quiet Thursday evening. Had a Haggis Laddie – soft and malty, A+; a Biere de Garde brewed for the World Cup pairings they are doing (see The Potable Curmudgeon for updates) – Mild and mildly spicey, quaffable session beer true to the originals, A; and Tafelbier – dark golden, nice feathery head, wonderful aroma with malt coming through the smell of fresh vegetation after a rain shower, earthy taste continues into fresh maltiness, a perfect follow-up to the BdG. Please bottle/can all three so I can have them at home.
At the Bank Street Brewhouse we had a Croque Madame and a daily special sliced steak dish that I think I saw prepared on Good Eats. The later was pretty pricey but it's not an everyday item. Went with a Bob's Old 15B brown ale – pure black, roasty malt with big balance, dry to the point of almost being chalky, 180° from a chocolate porter.
Bob's Old 15B is a leading example of Amateur competition gone right. Way back when, NA and Fossils had a competition and the winner would be brewed in the big boys toys kettles. Bob Capshew (not surprising) won with this beer and it has been on the regular menu ever since. If there's another Indiana Am to Pro that has gone to the full-time menu I can't think of it.
Newest Seasonals
Alcatraz – Alt
Back Road – Scottish Ale, Belgian-Style Wit
BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse – Nit Wit
Bloomington Brewing – Vision Weiss
Broad Ripple Brewpub – Cask Conditioned ESB
Brugge Brasserie – Pooka Boysenberry Wheat
Crown Brewing – Crown lite Light, Weizenhammer Weiss
Barley Island – Golidlocks Belgian Blond
Granite City – Belgian Golden Ale
Great Crescent Brewery – IPA and Blonde Ale – everything else is sold out right now
Half Moon - Summer Wheat Ale, India Brown Ale coming on July 1st.
Lafayette Brewing - Golden Lady IPA
Mishawaka Brewing – Russian Imperial Stout, Nit Wit
New Albanian – Tefelbier, Haggis Laddie
Oaken Barrel – California Common, American Wheat
Ram – Double Deuce Duesseldorfer Altbier
Rock Bottom (both) – Bottoms Up Kolsch
Shoreline – Ly-Co-Ki-We Kolsch, Stella Blue
Sun King - XX Rye IPA
Turoni's – Hefeweizen, Black Light Lager
Upland - Double Dragonfly
You can find at Payless Liquors, I-69 & 96th St. Fishers, and elsewhere: Brew Dog 5AM Saint, Mikkeller Bad/Worst, Well's Banana Bread Beer, Fruli Strawberry. Also in Indiana: Bruery Trade Winds Tripel, Coton Anniversary Ale, Tokio Oak-aged Imperial Stout, Punk IPA, Punk Hardcore Double IPA, Clipper City Smoke on the Water Imperial Porter, Clipper City Summer Ale, Mendocino Imperial IPA, Mendocino Barley Wine, Sergeants American Amber, Thirsty Dog Whippet Wheat, Thirsty Dog Twisted Kilt, Two Brothers Hop Juice.
Here's a 5-minute trailer for the upcoming documentary about women brewers in the Pacific NW - For the Love of Beer http://vimeo.com/12386945. It includes Marion's Tonya Cornett. Indy's Liz Laughlin, originally an Oregonian, isn't a left-coaster anymore so she's left out of this (but it's been our gain).
Tröegs Brewery of Harrisburg, PA is going to build a new brewery in Hershey.With a 5,000 sq ft tasting room (that's not a typo).
Pabst has, indeed, been sold. Now owned by C. Dean Metropoulos. He may sell off some of the regional brands. Schaefer, Carling’s Black Label, Blatz, Colt 45 Malt Liquor, Schmidt, Special Export, Schlitz, Lone Star, Jacob Best, Ballantine, Falstaff, Rainier, Ice Man Malt Liquor, Silver Thunder Malt Liquor and Stroh’s.
Amazon's strangest hits
Inflatable Beer Stein Ice Bucket - $20 – Corona not included.
Beer Hammer - $9.33
Skunkpiss beer can covers - $10/6
Beer mug with audio reordering system - $16